  • Engage Suppliers
  • Evaluate Quotes
  • Issue Orders
  • Monitor Progress
  • Make Payments
  • Manage Compliance

All Online!

Practical Application of Clever Technology

clever technology

SupplierXchange is a supplier management system - specifically developed to automate the usual exchange between your business and your suppliers.  Put simply, SupplierXchange is a business to business platform for all supplier interactions.

It manages the processes of engaging suppliers, scheduling the works and handling supplier invoices. The system’s capability has evolved over the past 5 years and is based on the learnings gained from more than 200,000 separate transactions with thousands of suppliers.

The objective of SupplierXchange is to capture all transactions that happen in the procurement process and manage them within a single communications environment. Effective utilisation of the SupplierXchange system will produce superior customer service, stronger supplier relationships and lower costs for your business.

A Collaborative Platform for Supplier Management

Prior to supply, your company uses SupplierXchange to identify relevant and compliant suppliers, request a competitive quote, negotiate and authorise the supply. During the supply, your company can view the progress of delivery and manage variations.

On completion of the supply, an invoice is received and a full picture of the transaction's cost, quality and timeliness can be viewed and reported by your company.

Engaging Suppliers

SupplierXchange communicates with a database of suppliers that have been pre-populated according to a set of individual business rules. For example, suppliers may need to be local, qualified and insured. Invitations to supply are sent out electronically, and your business can choose how many businesses you would like to bid.

Additionally, you can share your suppliers with others and get ready access to a pool of alternate qualified, insured and available suppliers.

Managing the Supply

SupplierXchange has solved the complex communication problems in any procurement process by providing each party a platform to communicate with each other.

The SupplierXchange interface enables real time collaboration where your company, your customers and your suppliers can work together on common goals by sharing knowledge, learning and building consensus.

Updates to supply delivery or cost variations are automated, and relevant information can be shared one-to-one, one-to-many or many-to-many according to the need and the business rules.

Imagine a world where the middle man doesn't need to update all the stakeholders - instead, SupplierXchange provides one common platform for hosting discussions and sharing information, so all relevant parties to a transaction have real time access to one version of the truth.

Paying Suppliers

By using the SupplierXchange application, your business authorises supply based on a specific quote.

When the time comes to pay the supplier, the automated payment solution integrates with your existing financial processes to generate payment instructions based only on the original quote - ensuring that the cost of supply is exactly what your business budgeted for.

Evaluating the Success of Supply

On completion of the supply, a full picture of the transaction's cost, quality and timeliness can be viewed and reported on.

Customers can provide electronic feedback on their satisfaction levels, and you can use this information in many ways - to identify preferred suppliers, to limit exposure to poor suppliers, and more.

Effective utilisation of modern technology is the key to unlocking competitive advantage

The intelligent engagement of suppliers and subsequent interactions with them is the source of a potential competitive advantage for your company. Because SupplierXchange has been designed to easily integrate with all modern business management systems, it works together with your 'business as usual' systems. The outcome of using SupplierXchange is that the customer and supplier have had an experience that is enhanced by today's modern communication systems, and your company has finalised the supply more quickly with less handling cost.

Service Central is powered by SupplierXchange

Started in 2005, Service Central is an online lead generation & management solution focused on the Trades and Services industry. Learn more.