SupplierXchange Backend Technology
SupplierXchange is built on a solid foundation that can support numerous functions and will be able to expand with your business
Backend Technology
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Backend Technology
Technology Environment
Managed software development lifecycle
- Continuous automated testing with coverage of major client platforms and extensive core validation
- Over 17,500 assertions. 1.78 million tests per day
- Comprehensive bug tracking and follow up
- Source code control systems
- Pre and post deployment acceptance testing
- Hosted in a Tier 1 Data facility that provides
- Multiple internet backbones
- Gas based fire suppression
- Rotary UPS backup power supply (short term)
- Diesel generator backup power supply (long term)
- Full electronic access control with man traps
- 24 x 7 onsite security technicians and service engineers
- Managed Hardware Firewall
- Hardened operating system
- Continuously monitored dynamic software firewall that intelligently responds to threats
- Separate hosting for streaming media, and static file content
- Demand driven scalability of the core application
- Hosting can scale out in 5 steps to a complete three-tier redundant system as demand grows
- Each tier can be scaled independently depeding on the source of growth
Backup & Disaster Recovery
- Nightly full onsite and offsite backup
- Regular periodic archival backup to tertiary storage site
- Continuous backup testing
- Standby hosting
- 24x7 systems monitoring and issue resolution
- SMS and Email Alert to on call sysadmin
- Customised log file analysis and daily reporting to development team
SupplierXchange is developed using best of breed open source technology to deliver a robust and flexible application platform.
All aspects of the software development lifecycle are managed from conception through to execution to ensure that specifications are met whilst ensuring robust code is delivered.
- Pure web client that supports the latest and previous versions of Firefox, Internet Explorer, Chrome and Safari web browsers
- LAMP stack ( Linux / Apache / MySQL / PHP ) that has been optimised specifically for data flows within the application
- Domain programming methodology that clearly separates presentation logic, business processes and data access models
- Advanced internal framework that enables rapid prototyping and development, and easy integration with other systems
- Tight integration with third party data sources using XMLRPC, SOAP and WSAPI
How does SupplierXchange work?
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How SupplierXchange look?
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The above diagram represents the SupplierXchange architecture