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Company Information

About SupplierXchange

SupplierXchange is a Division of Service Central, an E-Business company which has been operating since 2005 and was recently awarded “E-Business of the Year” by My Business Magazine. This award was in recognition of the power of Service Central’s proprietary Interactive Suppliers Marketplace (ISM) technology that revolutionises the way that people and businesses find services. Already, over 200,000 consumers have used this unique service, and thousands of businesses have joined the exclusive network as suppliers.

The Service Central system is based around the principle of capturing a consumer’s request, and ‘narrow-casting’ the request to businesses capable of doing that exact type of work. The businesses that are interested in the work then compete for the job using a business-to-business communication system.

Service Central’s purpose is to facilitate the exchange between service providers and customers in a way that is fair and timely, which is achieved by:

  • Creating and evolving the most intelligent profile matching system in the market to date;
  • Matching consumers with the right providers based on key criteria such as location, job size, qualifications needed, timing, experience and consumer feedback;
  • Providing only qualified, licensed and registered providers;
  • Centralising the buying process into one communication system.

This interactive system has now been tailored to provide a supplier interface and management solution for companies who require a communication platform to interact with goods and service providers using modern technology.

About Us